Unplanned pregnancy is very common. About half of all pregnancies in the United States are unwanted. Many women are not prepared to welcome these pregnancies with open arms for various reasons.
Ranging from health issues to emotional and mental unpreparedness for motherhood make unplanned pregnancies unwanted. As this is a life-changing decision and a great responsibility nobody wants to do it half-heartedly nor anybody should.
As many women decide to terminate the pregnancy and can nowadays buy MTP kit abortion pills online to terminate it. Women can follow the right instructions closely to get a healthy and complete abortion. Even though this is a simple and safe process it might take a few days for women to recover and feel normal again.
Even though medication abortion with abortion pills is safe it is important to take care of yourself after the abortion as that's also your responsibility. In this blog, we will discuss few tips to make recovery faster and some other things that need to be taken care of after abortion.
Follow a nutrient diet including essential vitamins, fibers and minerals to support faster recovery and strength. This will also help women to feel energetic instead of tired.
Sanitary pads:
Use sanitary pads instead of tampons and menstrual cups for the bleeding which is likely to continue for a couple of weeks. Using something that is to be inserted in the vagina for function can lead to infection and it is best to avoid this kind of risk.
You will continue bleeding and cramping for about a few days after the process of abortion is done. Know that it is normal and do not worry about it. It will slow down and stop after a while.
Heavy bleeding:
If heavy bleeding returns after a few days or you find that there are clots bigger than the size of a lemon in the vaginal discharge you should contact your doctor.
Physical activities:
Avoid physical activities which need a lot of physical strength like heavy exercises and also avoid unnecessary travel.
Avoid sexual activities:
It is good to not indulge in sexual intercourse until you get your next menstrual cycle. As there is a risk of infection. It is best to not indulge in such activities while you are still bleeding consult your doctor for more details.
Avoid pregnancy:
is very possible to get pregnant soon after the abortion. Abortion pills remove the pregnancy but it does not have any affect your fertility. So if you do not want to get pregnant soon you should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.
Follow your medication:
Take all your medication as scheduled including painkillers and antibiotics.
Symptoms of pregnancy:
These symptoms of pregnancy like nausea and tenderness in the breast will last few more days after the abortion process. Even though abortion is successful it takes time for the hormone to get back to normal so you should not worry if you still have those symptoms.
Emotional changes:
As you are going through many hormonal changes many women likely feel many emotions at the same time. If you feel sad it's not necessarily about your decision of abortion it is likely about the hormonal changes that you are going through. It is good to talk to someone or seek professional head help if needed.
Proper rest:
The body needs rest to recover and restore to get back to normal so it is a good idea to take bed rest and take it easy for a few days.
Seek medical help:
If you feel intense abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding, fever above 101 and dizziness, these all can be symptoms of infection and you should seek medical help immediately.
Manage pain:
There will be cramping, you can use over the counter pain relief pills to manage it. You can also use hot water bags or heating pads that are likely to help you to feel better during the cramping.
Follow up:
Make sure that you make a follow-up appointment after abortion. It is better to keep at least a 15 days gap between the abortion process and the follow-up appointment as hormones can settle down during this period and other symptoms of pregnancy like tenderness in the breast and nausea will stop.
It also takes two weeks for bleeding to stop in many women so it is best to wait until 15 days.
The examination of the uterus with ultrasound is important not just to make sure that the pregnancy is completely removed and abortion was successful but to make sure that there is no infection and there are no complications.
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